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HENI PUJI ASTUTI, Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, S.Hut., M.Si.

2016 | Skripsi | S1 KEHUTANAN

Intersepsi kanopi berperan sangat penting dalam siklus hidrologi hutan. Perbedaan prosentase penutupan kanopi mempengaruhi besarnya kemampuan hutan dalam mengintersepsikan tebal hujan. Pengukuran Intersepsi kanopi dilakukan selama Januari-Maret 2016pada Hutan Alam Petak 13 QQ dan Sistem Silvikultur TPTJ Petak 13 SS, Sub DAS Katingan Hulu, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuanmengetahui 1) berapa intersepsi kanopi pada hutan alam petak 13 QQ dan hutan dengan Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur Petak 13 SS di PT Sari Bumi Kusuma, Kalimantan Tengah 2)mengetahui hubungan tebal hujan dengan intersepsi kanopi pada Hutan Alam dan Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur. Data tebal hujan, stemflow, throughfall,vegetasi digunakan untuk menentukan intersepsi kanopi. Interspsi kanopi dihitung dengan pendekatan perhitungan keseimbangan volume (volume balance approach). Hubungan tebal hujan dengan intersepsi kanopi dianalisis dengan menggunakan software SPSS dan Sigma Plot. Hasilmenunjukan bahwa intersepsi di Hutan Alam dan Sistem Silvikultur TPTJ reratanya sebesar 30,44 % dan 15,68 %. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan positif antara tebal hujan dengan Intersepsi kanopi yang dinyatakan dalam persamaan Ic HA= 0,0001 (P)pangkat 2,9972 dan Ic TPTJ= 0,0004 (P)pangkat 2,5795.

Canopy interception has an important role in the hydrological cycle. This research was conducted in virgin forest area and Integrated Forest Management System (IFMS) with selective cutting and line planting technique in IUPHHK-HA PT.Sari Bumi Kusuma. This study aims to determine: 1) the value of canopy interception in virgin forest area and IFMS with selective cutting and line planting technique 2) the relationship between gross rainfall and canopy interception invirgin forest area and IFMS with selective cutting and line planting technique. The value of gross rainfall, stemflow, throughfall, and vegetation canopy cover were used to determine the canopy interception. Canopy interception was calculated by volume balance approachs method. The relationship betweengross rainfall and canopy interception was analyzed usingSPSS software and SigmaPlot. The results of this research shows that the average value of interception in the Virgin Forest is 30,44%, while the average value of interception in Selective Cutting and Line Planting Silvicultural System (TPTJ) is 15,68%. This result shows that there is a strong and positive relationship between gross rainfall and canopy interception, which is expressed in the equation IcHA = 0,0001 (P) degree 2,9972 dan Ic TPTJ= 0,0004 (P) degree 2,5795.

Kata Kunci : Intersepsi kanopi, Stemflow, Throughfall, Hutan Alam, Hutan TPTJ, PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma